Business Program Curriculum is finalised

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Business Program Curriculum is finalised

Posted by: Primoz Lazar
Category: Primoz's life path

I’m building the state of my happiness for a long period of time already! Not many know that I’ve been above excited kid, always consciously-unconsciously enthusiastic, but also had my downs!

As a kid never had control over the environment, many times being first, many times being second, even if I wanted to be first.

So, I also struggled. Found out that I will never be able to be a full time winner in some things, but educated myself to approach to some games with a playful face-on and play it anyway, even if it aint possible to win by the result, but if you give your max out, you win it for yourself!

Talking about winning it for yourself, on the other side – I was a winner in many of the eyes of others, but not at all winner in my heart! Losing it, feeling disempowered, not aligned with my higher spirit, potential … but at the end it all worked out, because through all the hard experiences I completely found myself – and the game I love to play and cannot lose in it is a Business game. For you who own a business probably know that this game depends completely on yourself!!!! (and yeah, some other factors – like business rules, life rules, laws, etc).

It all depends on you and your outputs. You are the one who determines the inflow. Having a great foundations in place supported with the amounts of outflows, actions can give you tremendous winning opportunites. It’s all always in your hands! With picking up the phone you can affect on doing a new sale! WIth producing a great service to a client who you nurture with great common relationship. With organising yourself for scaling up.

With aligning yourself with a team of people who understand you and add extra value and do the things that they are better at. With managing it all right you can win this game over and over again, as long as you strengthen yourself up and ponder through harder moments and make them linear.

Today is an exciting day for me as beside of me running local business of promotional videography and photography, I am announcing to myself and the world that I have finally completed my very prosperous Business Program that’s been evolving for past few years! I was never close enough, never just there yet to have that great value under my control and being able to share it with the market.

But now, I am half way there and the program is just rightly ready to be acepted by the world of inneficency, struggle, mess, doubt, concerns and so on – it needs more of the proven methods by which you are able to control your own destiny and your business’s destiny – and I got it!!

By many years of learning and investing in my knowledge, experience and the world view I was able to finally put it all together in a 50 page program curriculum that is going to be priced $1000 from the beginning, and with it, I take a client through 4x 1.5hours sessions and with him/her we analyse their busienss model and uplevel it to the new level so it can prosper on its own more and more.

I am exicted because this opportunity is finally giving me an option to scale up globally and work with the clients from all around the world. It also gives me to an option to build great big masterminds of entrepreneurs who will love to collaborate and help each other on growing their businesses.

The Business Program is just a leading irresistible offer of my Premium Life project and it’s also designed for scaling up. Any can be coached and developed as an influencer and can continue spreading the knowledge and support on others.

I believe it all sounds a little complicated, but it’s not, it’s getting clearer and clearer to me and to my experience that we are onto something huge and big. It’s time, time to tell the world that we are ready for big uplfits. Chat soon, Primoz

Author: Primoz Lazar

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