If you want others to be happy, practice compassion

Primoz Lazar > Blog > Uncategorized > If you want others to be happy, practice compassion

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion

Posted by: Primoz Lazar
Category: Uncategorized

[smart_track_player url=”https://soundcloud.com/yourpremiumlife/ma3-if-you-want-others-to-be-happy-practice-compassion” ]

Build trust

You can reach people’s hearts through an example of being compassionate and striving to serve and help them to achieve what they want.

Your aim is to serve until they are able to continue on their own.

It may also happen that they will not accept your support and will rather go alone. They still haven’t expanded their personal self-acceptance to the point that they will be able to accept other people’s ideas.


Strengthen your own personality

No, sometimes we need to first find the strengths on our own and then we can pursue outer world to give us a boost and fasten our life track.

The recognition that somebody needs help is crucial.

We are bad listeners but love to talk, especially about ourselves. And with doing so we miss the potential of understanding the person’s needs and fail to give them an option to express themselves.


Connect to people

If you are capable to make them open and become their best you can also lead them to achieve their even higher potential.

They will be thankful for your provided understanding and will trust you with continuous communication.

All relationships are based on common interests.

When meeting new people build a ground floor first, get them known and ask them about their personal life.

If you know where they are coming from you will be able to relate to them and deepen the relationship.


Have common goal

So, you have built trust and made new friends.

No man or woman can win the game of life single-handedly.

To be fulfilled you need somebody to accompany you.

Some will do that more personally and others professionally. But all of them need your ultimate attention.

Give them your very best and they will appreciate your presence.

It’s all about empathy, connecting to other souls, being part of two-way yearning.


Give first and swap after

When you give, your heart opens for receiving.

The greatness is in those who avoid selfishness, but share with those in need.

Lighten up someone’s world today, and observe how it is to feel loved!

Author: Primoz Lazar

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