The story of how I broke through and achieved the personal fulfilment

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The story of how I broke through and achieved the personal fulfilment

Posted by: Primoz Lazar
Category: Primoz's life path, Videos

There was always something missing, I was looking for it and still felt empty. I couldn’t control my destiny and do anything about it. I started looking for the information that is going to take me forward. I couldn’t find it. I lost it all. I lost mysfelf.0

I needed to readjust, to recover. It all happened with a simple strongest decision that I ever made, that I am going to grow my life and become a better person, that I am going to expand my potential and growing…

I have finally, after a long 5 years of Build-up Journey completed the stage of being completely personally fulfilled. I am very happy that I can present myself as very open-minded, structured, knowledgeable, social, positive person, …

I’ve been working on my personal fulfillment from the time that I made a personal decision that I am going to transform my lifestyle once for all. Looking back, now I have goals, vision, 3 or 4 business models that I am working on.

Just being Me, makes me grateful and very pleased that I have found out the life’s work, the principles, the idea of how to successfully run your Life, how to do it the right way, how to be emotionally stable, how to prosper, how to eliminate ups and downs and being attractive – How to get what you want! 

Author: Primoz Lazar

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